Clients - services provided
Danter Attractions - Event Safety Manual for Birmingham Cathedral Markets & Ice Skate Birmingham
- H&S input/compliance
APL Productions - Crowd Dynamic Assessment
Xtrahumongous - licensing hearing - Secret Space
- licensing application - Beyond Festival
- ESMP production and compliance
Frankfurt Christmas Markets - licensing input (staff)
- Crowd Control Manager
2 Funky Street (Leics) - licensing mediation, hearing
Oval Group (Digbeth) - licensing applications, mediation, training
CommonWealth Games (Birmingham 2022) - City Centre precinct specialist
Op. London Bridge - Grey Space specialist
Op. Golden Orb - event safety manager
Jaly Concerts - SeaSide Weekender (Weston-super-Mare & Newark) - ESMP, compliance, operational compliance manager on site.
James Daly @ Jalyconcerts ltd. (SeaSide weekender) - Abs was a huge asset throughout the whole process, from the licence application, liaising with the responsible authorities, producing the ESMP and associated paperwork and then being the complaince director for the event days. It was a pleasure to work with him on this event and the many more that we are planning